IEEE International Conference on E-health Networking, Application & Services
18–20 November 2024 // Nara, Japan

Call For Tutorials

We are delighted to invite proposals for tutorials at the IEEE HealthCom 2024, to be held from November 18-20, 2024, in Nara, Japan.

This premier event brings together researchers, practitioners, and policymakers to explore cutting-edge developments and future directions in eHealth. We seek tutorial submissions that offer in-depth insights into emerging technologies, methodologies, and applications in the eHealth and telemedicine domain.

Important: The conference is in-person. Therefore, no remote tutorial submissions will be accepted.

Topics of Interest

We welcome tutorial proposals on a wide range of eHealth topics, including but not limited to:

•     Telemedicine and Remote Monitoring: Innovations in telehealth, remote patient monitoring, and virtual care.

•     Health Informatics: Data analytics, electronic health records (EHR), and information systems.

•     Wearable Health Technologies: Advances in wearable devices and sensors for health monitoring.

•     Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare: AI applications in diagnostics, treatment planning, and personalized medicine.

•     Mobile Health (mHealth): Mobile applications for health management and patient engagement.

•     Blockchain in Healthcare: Secure and transparent systems for health data management.

•     Digital Therapeutics: Software-based interventions for disease prevention, management, and treatment.

•     Patient-Centered Care: Technologies that enhance patient experience and engagement.

•     Cybersecurity and Privacy: Protecting health data from breaches and ensuring patient privacy.

•     Regulatory and Ethical Issues: Navigating the regulatory landscape and addressing ethical considerations in eHealth.

Submission Guidelines

Interested presenters are invited to submit a tutorial proposal including the following information:

1.   Title of the Tutorial

2.   Presenters' Information: Names, affiliations, contact details, and brief biographies.

3.   Abstract: A brief description of the tutorial (300-500 words).

4.   Target Audience: Intended audience and prerequisite knowledge or skills.

5.   Objectives: Key takeaways for attendees.

6.   Duration: Preferred length of the tutorial (e.g., half-day, full-day).

7.   Detailed Outline: A comprehensive outline of the tutorial content.

8.   Teaching Methods: Description of teaching methods (e.g., lectures, hands-on activities, discussions).

9.   Requirements: Any specific requirements for the tutorial (e.g., software, hardware).

Important Dates

•     Submission Deadline: September 1st, 2024

•     Notification of Acceptance: September 20th, 2024

•     Conference Dates: 18-20 November 2024

Submission Process

Please submit your tutorial proposal as a single PDF document via email to with the subject "IEEE HealthCom 2024 - Tutorial Proposal".

Evaluation Criteria

Tutorial proposals will be reviewed based on the relevance and significance of the topic, clarity of objectives and content, expertise of the presenters, and potential to engage participants.


Accepted tutorials will be featured prominently in the conference program, and presenters will receive:

•     Complimentary conference registration

•     Recognition in conference materials and website


For any inquiries regarding tutorial submissions, please contact:

Prof. Andrea Sciarrone
IEEE HealthCom 2024 Tutorial Chair, IEEE ComSoc eHealth TC Past-Chair

We look forward to your contributions to make the IEEE HealtCom 2024 a great success!
